First brought in to attention about this sutra on the first dhehana of the Abidhamma talks held at BVS Canada. In this sutra a mentioning of චිත්තක්ෂණ (“Chiththakshana”) – or the length of mids life found.
This is a sutta named closed to what was heard the as name is – from
Not sure if this the correct sutra to lookup for. This is a question that needs to be cleared at dhamma discussion.
Update: 2016 Sept 29During the dhamma discussion on Abidhamma – this was taken in to discussion. The outcome of the discussion was that there is no such sutra in Tripitaka and this reference has to be get cleared and clarrified further.
මෙම සුත්ර දේශනාව ත්රිපිටකය තුල සොයා ගැනීමට නොහැකි බවයි ධර්ම සාකච්ඡාවේදී විවරණය වූයේ.
ඒ පිළිබඳව තවදුරත් සොයා බලා යම් නිවැරදි කිරීමක් අවශ්ය පරිදි සිදුකිරීම දෙව් මිනිස් සැමගේ යහපතට හේතුවේ.