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unveiled Truth – Topics

Path To Nibbana (A to Z)

Nothing Can Kept to My Wish

In the depth of Mind

Decoding Complex Topics of Dhamma

Patibana or the Removal of Defilement

Our only reque


We Have


There was such a time… You were not allowed to ask questions. Even if you did, there was no one to give a satisfying answer. An answer that can cut off defilement from lust, hatred, and delusion. Dhamma was all mixed up and results were scares to come. It all changed.

Listen to Dhamma

There are 105 CDs of Dhamma Talks published under Waharaka Sadhaham Atuwava Web Site. We are closely following these Dhamma CDs and a complete library is now uploaded to YouTube.

Abaya Thero

You will find many thousands of Dhamma talks in this channel.  If you are an English speaker, there are some good dhamma talks for beginners as well as advanced followers. Abaya thero is friendly and approachable, so many non-native speakers have found his service a remarkable one. He has traveled many parts of the world in his service to Dhamma, helping many around the world.

YouTube Channel

Visit the YouTube channel to listen thousands of well organized videos delivered covering many simple as well as very complex Dhamma Topics. There is a limited but valuable collection of English Dhamma Talks available in this channel. As of 2019 April There are 27000 subscribers to this channels.

DhammaDhinna Therani

Follow Here… for all the other interesting, hand picked YouTube Channels for Dhamma Explores.

Ven. Dhammadhinna Therani is a Buddhist Nun residing in Australia. Dhamma talks and many eye openeing programs from her are regularly published to Nissaranaya Kara YouTube Channel.

YouTube Channel

Visit the YouTube channel to listen 105 CDs of Dhamma Surmons preached by Waharaka Abayarathanalankara Thero. All Dhamma Talks are delivered in Sinhala Language. If you are an Enlgish speaker, try Nirapekshatwaye Maga or Dharmayai Obai YouTube Channels.